Poor Sheltered Homeschooler

The movie's gotta be the best usage of "Sabotage" in a movie/TV soundtrack I've seen. Is there anything I'm forgetting?

I thought Star Trek Beyond was definitely on par with the first reboot. And I did not go in with very high expectations, but contrary to those awful trailers, it wasn't just "Fast and the Furious" in space.

It's like the editors misheard who the winner was from the producers. "Oh, wait, you said MICHELE wins the Final 3? We thought you said AUBRY. Our bad! Let's just edit in an uplifting Scot quote and hope nobody notices."

I get the impression that Jeff bases a lot of his season rankings on how much he likes the winner. Which is why he loves Worlds Apart—which has a great winner but a weak season arc—but damned Kaoh Rong with faint praise—great season, weak winner.

Never has there been a greater quality disparity than between Survivor's pre-recorded segments and the live show.

I'm a big believer in "You only deserve the win if you get the Jury's votes." I cheered when Russell Hantz lost Samoa and HvV. Big moves are not the end-all be-all. The social game rocks.

And when push comes to shove
I will send a meta-human army to remind you of my love

The Cryssalid Harbor (or whatever it's called) in XCOM: Enemy Unknown. My hatred of that level was bad enough to make me quit a few playthroughs of the game. Nope. Nuh uh. No.

Probst won't have to be sad for too long. I'm sure whenever they do another Heroes vs Villains, Jason will make the cut. And honestly, as long as he leaves behind the bullying antics next time around, I'm perfectly OK with seeing him again.

Anyone else absolutely convinced Tai was going to go home this episode? I was shocked to see Jason go home and Tai stay given how poorly the episode portrayed Tai's game compared to Jason's.

Or possibly 6) A disappointing-to-terrible winner (Joe? Maybe Michelle?). Jeff seems to heavily weigh the winner in how much he likes a given season.

Scot is many things, but "small" is not how I'd describe him.

You really couldn't write a better story arc.

I love the storytelling this season. Jason and Scot being positioned from the earliest episodes as the season's villains, thanks to a careful telling of their relationship with Alecia (who could've easily been edited as a stereotypical annoying premerger). Using the swap to weave the story of Tai and Scot's bromance,

THIS SEASON, THOUGH. What an amazing season of Survivor. This cast is the gift that keeps on giving, and the best part is that I can't tell if these people are all really good at Survivor or if they're all really bad at it… I think it changes from episode to episode.
But let's review this season so far: the weird

Yeah, that would make sense. Thanks for explaining!

To be fair (?) in the movie there's a very contentious jury selection session, and after the evil atheists use their last rejection (I'm not clear on the precise wording), the pastor is the next juror up and automatically gets a spot. They didn't really have much choice.

"It's called chemistry. I have it with everyone!"

The priest is secretly Elektra confirmed.

Sure! "Winner's edits" are a controversial phrase, but essentially spring from the idea that there's a certain way that winners get edited, particularly from about season 13 onward. In the early seasons, some unlikeable or seemingly undeserving winners detracted from the show's popularity; this is seen as Survivor's