Poor Sheltered Homeschooler

The Discovery trailer, not Star Trek Beyond. (I assume that's what you're referring to.)

There's always Redemption Island, which was worse, but One World is pretty awful.

I didn't care for her in Fargo, but man do I have a crush on Rachel Keller here. She is doing fantastic work on this show.

Yeah, Erik was in a good position to win Caramoan and then almost died. Not much you can do there.

It's like all of these players watched Cagayan and thought, "Hmmm. Tony played a great game, but you know what he needed? LESS SUBTLETY."

The only acceptable time for Jeff to talk about the players' ages is when he wants to casually remind Will that he's a child. The soft drinks bit and Hannah laughing at her own team were the comedic highlights of the night.

After that incredibly ballsy move, Jay is either my new favorite character or the season's new villain. I'm still trying to process and decide.

And somehow the stats got even worse.

Truly, we lost a Game Changer tonight.

There have been seven premerge votes.
Five of those seven have been minorities. ALL FIVE of the minorities.
Six of those seven have been women.

"There's three of you. If you can't figure out how to work together, you deserve to be voted off."

I, for one, cannot wait for the inevitable moment when Adam turns on Figgy and Taylor and we get to see them gloriously blindsided.

Cochran was the Patron Saint of the AV Club and a great confessionalist, but also he was pretty much a complete mess his first season (possibly because he was on a bad tribe). He really got it together and played a great game in Caramoan.

I feel like the real Parvati here is Michelle. Her subtle, social manipulations—and certain body language tics she has—remind me a lot of Parvati.

He's giving off strong South Pacific Cochran vibes.

Nah, they feel more like premerge villains. Taylor, for sure, is such a knucklehead that he's going to get himself blindsided sometime in the early stages. Figgy might make it a little further, but I don't imagine she's long for this game either, especially given how much shade's being thrown by Michaela ("That girl

David, literally 30 seconds into meeting a new player: "I trust you. I get you. I'd like to work with you. Can we have an alliance? Honestly, I'll flip over to you. I swear to God I'll pick off my entire tribe with you guys."

YAY! AVClub Survivor is back. You guys are my favorite Survivor fan community on the Internet and I really missed you guys the first two weeks of this season.

Ahh, the old Daredevil approach.

Hmmm. Just watched this episode and I guess I was distinctly less blown away than everybody else. Maybe that's because this (along with "The Crossing") are the only POI episodes that were spoiled for me—so I knew it wasn't real, even though I wasn't clear on *why* it wasn't real—but it just didn't feel like POI.