Poor Sheltered Homeschooler

I'm inclined to agree about winner's edits, especially after all the backlash in Worlds Apart about Mike's obvious winner edit (and, before that, Tyson and Cochran). Now the editors are just mocking us. We had like 3-5 different people all getting winner's edits in Second Chances (Jeremy, Spencer, Wentworth, give or

I've loved 1 Samuel ever since someone pointed out that it's the story of Saul (not David, as is commonly confused) and that Saul has the only long-form tragic story in the entire Bible. It's the Biblical version of Macbeth or King Lear, and viewed in the proper lens it's riveting.

I go on social media and hear lots of people saying "Scot and Jason are the worst; Alecia was innocent" and others saying "Alecia was the worst and deserved to be called out." And meanwhile I'm just sitting here thinking, "I think all three of them managed to come off terribly and in-the-wrong. I don't like any of the

She went from power player to Dead Poet's Society in ten minutes flat. It was like watching a car crash. You just couldn't look away.

Tai goes in for the kiss.
Caleb: "Were you trying to kiss me?"
Tai: "No, of course not."
Tai: "I was totally going for the kiss. I wanted to see what he would do. He could handle it."

Which team is Phillip on?

I believe the term is "manties."

My girlfriend (who is strongly against talking during TV/movies) exclaimed, "No, you're not!" in frustration. I think we may have found our villain for the season.

All aboard the Tai Trang Train y'all! Toot toot!

Huh. I actually enjoyed Jason in this episode, though his most endearing moment was talking about how he could be silly and goofy with his daughters. If he shows us a little more of that side, I'll be Team Jason all the way.

Stephen speculated on his blog that Wentworth would have won 6-4. That said, he also admitted that some of the Wentworth voters could've been swung back to Jeremy by his baby reveal. So it would have been close.

Have we forgotten a certain beloved Greek god so soon?

Jeff Probst: "Thought we couldn't raise the bar any higher than this season? Think again! Next season… Survivor literally kills someone!"

I felt like Jeremy's baby speech won him the Final Tribal, but I realistically thought that the votes would come out like 6-3-1 or something. A shut-out for Jeremy was definitely unexpected.

I think this was an all-time great season. It was a weirdly unpredictable premerge (largely thanks to Abi, as much as I couldn't stand her at times) full of colorful characters like Varner and Kind Kass. And then once the merge hit, it was just blindside after blindside after "blindside," with FOUR correct Idol plays!

I think there is a strong case to be made that this is the strongest Final Four ever on Survivor. Tasha's probably the weakest link, but she's still really solid. Who else would compete? Philippines will always have a place in my heart (Malcolm/Denise/Skupin/Lisa), as will Cagayan (Spencer/Tony/Woo/Kass) and Borneo

Jeremy trying to flag down Keith and get his attention for like 30 straight seconds was possibly the funniest moment of the whole season. His attempts kept getting more and more big and expressive but Keith just stayed completely oblivious… it's like their relationship summed up in a single moment.

Greatest Tribal Council ever at the Final 6 here? I think it certainly has to be at least in the Top Five (Baby).

I'd watch it.
I'd hate myself, but I'd watch it.