Poor Sheltered Homeschooler

Micronesia is the best all-female alliance, but let's not forget One World and (to a point) Vanuatu.

Jeremy. Possibly Spencer. The saving grace is that this is a cast of returning players who value strategy, so Joe will need to maintain this strategic game if he wants a winning resume.

These contestants are playing so balls-to-the-wall that I'm already scared next season's cast will be a disappointment. I can't imagine Survivor finding a way to top this. Honestly, I can't see this being worse than a top 5 season. If the winner's great, this might even be No. 1.

I suspect Keith. That would fit with his amusing but often invisible edit; the editors usually don't want people getting too attached to med-evac'd players, unless their name is Mike Skupin.

I loved that text slide into the foreground. I feel like the editors are really having a lot of fun this season. The only thing that would've made tonight's episode better would have been literally hashtagging #SevereGastrointestinalDistress on-screen.

You know it's been a great, fast-paced Survivor episode when an underdog finding an Idol doesn't even get a mention.

Rest In Peace Stephen Fishbach
The Wizard That Aligned with Witches
The Knowingest Know-It-All
And Jeremy's Work Wife
Godspeed, Fishy.

Well, they would have had to split it 5-4, and the girls would make 3 votes. From that position, I don't think Jeremy and Tasha trusted Joe or Savage not to flip to the girls to take out Stephen, since they'd expressed the desire to do so. 9 times out of 10 this plan would work. Thank goodness for us it was that one

Will Vincent D'Onofrio be in it?

*Netflix picks up Hannibal, wins it all the awards, and NBC watches bleeding on the ground*

I was trying to figure out why no one had posted a comment here yet.
Then I realized everyone was over on Netflix just watching the show instead of snarking on news about the show being released early.
So, uh… yeah.

What am I still doing here?

I'd call this a funny season of Survivor, in both senses of the word (humorous and strange). The mix of generally funny, occasionally offensive oddballs who seem to genuinely hate each other for most of the game reminds me a lot of Panama, but if Terry had won.

Breadsticks make you fat.

This reads surprisingly well in Wilson Fisk's voice.

Just showed my girlfriend a clip from GBH earlier today—she has no experience with Wes Anderson—and she asked "Is this a parody or is this real?" I realized when I didn't know how to respond that maybe that was a problem.

RD. Radio Doctor.

…Why did I just watch this entire video?

Technically it's an adaptation, so I think you narrowly avoid blame for this one.

I have the weirdest boner right now.