Poor Sheltered Homeschooler

"like that class of movies that are all about a relationship but examine it with less than sunny outlooks"


"Arthur with the drunken shenanigans"

If we can learn to work, play and get along with each other, we can get them to do TV Club Classic reviews of Arthur, right? That seems fair.

WHERE ARE THE DRUGS (for my cancer treatment)?


This show has always felt like one that's gonna get a Shield ending.

Interesting how every character besides Boyd seems to be intent on living in the past. Raylan got nostalgic about his old house and is irritated about being unable to solve the Boyd case the way he used to solve cases. Ava's resorting to the same tricks she used before the pilot. Art wants to hear about cases because

Twitter would implode.

Screw it. I really like this album, and I don't care who knows it. (He says, behind an anonymous Internet username)

I don't understand this criticism. AB/AP seems to be the most diverse album they've made yet, at least sonically. I concede that a lot of the songs on here are "big chorus" anthems, but they're all different-sounding big chorus anthems. I don't really see how you can say "Uma Thurman," "Irresistible," "Twin

It's not personal, it's just business.

I think it was a very good movie that could have been great with a better editor and a runtime under two and a half hours. I've never felt an ending drag like that since Return of the King

I misread the end of "Only Lovers Left Alive" as "Left Behind." At once, your opinion was entirely invalidated and yet I also wanted to subscribe to your newsletter?

Ouch. Good point.

TIE: Blood vs Water / San Juan del Sur

So Missy's basically the new Russell?

I can't decide if that's the best or worst idea ever.

Jeremy, Josh, Natalie, and/or Jon could all make appearances in future seasons, especially if production resists casting 3rd- or 4th-time players in whatever the next All-Stars season is.

Simple. Reed had three episodes and he chewed ALL the scenery in them (whereas he WAS the scenery in the nine episodes prior). This season, that was enough.