There’s a phenomenal documentary called Catwalk that followed supermodels in the 90s. Basically Christy Turlington, Naomi Campbell, Kate Moss, etc just chilling and jet setting. Highly recommend.
There’s a phenomenal documentary called Catwalk that followed supermodels in the 90s. Basically Christy Turlington, Naomi Campbell, Kate Moss, etc just chilling and jet setting. Highly recommend.
It’s not about the companies being on good terms, it’s about the commercial viability of the IP. Both Activision and Sony employ very intelligent people who know the market, and Activision is nothing if not consistently money hungry, so if there was a viable market for a new Crash we would have gotten a new Crash by…
What is that? Why do they do that? Do they think it makes them seem less ignorant? Like girl, my momma ain't Barney bitch.
Soooooooo.....I guess under her advice Oprah should retire from her billion dollar empire and let a man do the heavy lifting.
More aware would be my guess.
Another thought is that this behavior is enabled by the ongoing militarization of the police post 9/11. I don’t remember the original source, but I recall reading about this and what struck me was (paraphrasing) “the main objective of the police is to serve and protect the public. The main objective of the military is…
Uh, Supernatural is a show about two white dudes fighting demons. All the women are supporting characters that frequently die to teach the male leads a lesson or “push them forward”. It is as traditional an approach to a genre show as you can get. The network isn’t taking a risk with that formula, its fans do not…
Ive worked as a teacher and sub in some hard ass schools. Treating kids with respect goes a loooong way.
My first year out of college I was subbing at a middle school and the police did a lock down drug sweep. They found two kids with about a pipe full of dirt weed and walked them out in handcuffs.
Former middle school teacher here: the best thing to do is to separate the antagonists from their peer audience. Once they have no face to lose, they calm down swiftly. I would really expect anybody who has worked with this age group to know that. I sincerely hope that asshole, big MAN is convicted of assault.
Athens ability to manage aggressive behavior is a skill set that they should be trained in but apparently they aren't. Look up MOAB. I work in mental health and that's what we use. And these aren't 12 year old girls, these are involuntarily committed mentally ill pissed off adults. It's more effective than you might…
And we wonder where teenage boys get the idea that it’s ok to be violent towards women. How about from the men who are supposed to be their role-models like this tool.
Translated: We’re desperately calling law firms, hoping we can find one that can cut our monetary damages as low as possible, and is scummy enough to destroy the integrity of a 12-year old girl without a second thought.
Generally speaking, outside of research papers and doctors’ offices, when someone talks about “biological sex” they are not talking about hormones or chromosomes. For example, legislators who want to ban people from using bathrooms that don’t match their “biological sex” are not advocating for genetic testing but…
I’d say it’s more about being aware not everyone has to be white and straight rather than going “this is how many blank i’ll have in this piece of media”. It’s not a quota.
“Willie Nelson Cosplay Situation” is the name of my new band. We play pipes.
I’ve found most highly intelligent people will never try tell you how intelligent they are. Most are smart enough to know it’s better to let people underestimate you.
It’s hilarious to me that walking with a cane is less of a fashion faux pas than not wearing heels.
Is Alberta the Florida of Canada?