Cash Money Purple Rain Dynasty

I dug into it myself, and the only semi-plausible explanation I’ve found was in a comment about the original article. The theory was that due to hard times he had a bout of spiritual exploration. ( see: finding Jesus, or whomever, in prison). This coupled wi addiction recovery causing one to flinch from their past

I would really love the context of this quote. On it’s own, it’s disturbing and vague. In context, I’m hoping it makes some sort of typical RDJ egotistical sense. Those hopes are low, however.

Good sentiment. Bad execution.

So very glad I wasn’t the only one.

There are not enough stars in the world for the truth in this comment.

Brosephine has given me new life. Snagging.

The Academy had no issues nominating Straight Out of Compton’s white writers, but had issues with the film itself. This makes sense how exactly?

Honestly, there’s already quite a lot of convo already going about feminism excluding women of color. We’re still making our own noise there too.

Why is no one asking WHY the Latin@ actors are not making as much noise as other minorities? Black people made our own noise, and gained allies which in turned helped everyone. Now they want us to both keep carrying that torch and shut up. You can’t have it both ways. Make your own noise and hold your examples

She stopped hitting the tanning lotion.

What I heard that’s more interesting is the raggedy rumors surrounding how much of her role got left on the cutting room floor because this was her first extensive role dealing with green-screens.

“to Maim, and Decimate”

Just got a serious XTC Oranges & Lemons vibe off this. Pretty cool. Who is it?

Clearly you have never driven the loop in Atlanta or Houston. I swear it's F1 on public highways. Yes, yes people do drive 20+ like pedestrian tourists cross the street against the light on weekends, in many cities with highways containing more than two lanes in each direction.

That gif! OMG. Love!

Yes! A simple link is quite sufficient.

Having gone through the latter scenario too many time even though I know I'm blessed to have found a job within two months of searching, I jus wanted to say PREACH, and also, I love your screen name.

Personally, I like to go with "I'm colored," but that's probably because I like to piss off people who ask me this asinine question than anything else.

This implies that I can or wish to be a robotically consistent being on any level beyond showing up for work on time-ish. Too many outside influences will quickly indicate how utterly unreliable it is to draw ANY kind of reliable deductive reasoning from this information. In short, I barely manage to wake up at the

Forget having a vague idea. He's a millennial. Perhaps the inherent laziness in that label precludes him rocking his google-fu to figure it the fuck out. I'm sure he's heard of google right? Right?