
My son is autistic, I never would have made my comment if I heard those rumours. That’s off limits, even if the child’s father is a yuge piece of shit.

Ok we must have posted at the same time!! This verbiage is so fucking bizarre to me. Of COURSE they are close- they are mother and child and that’s how it is supposed to be!!! WTF planet do these people live on that it’s of note to have positive family relationships???

What I do see is a lot of people commenting on rumors that Barron is on the autism spectrum. Not you, obviously. I have not wanted to bring any of those comments out of the greys, but I will say this- if Barron Trump does have autism, it is the family’s choice to disclose that or not, and spreading rumors about a

“...Melania is extremely close to Baron,” the source told the Post, “and they have become closer during the campaign...”

None. In fact it’s going to put a YUGE stress on the Secret Service. West wing addressed this in detail with President Elect Santos.

Probably cause she doesn’t give a shit?

Best reason to not wear Spanx: It feels like you are being strangled by a woman-sized tensor bandage.

Second best reason: You’re cool with having a belly button!

I’m peeved that people just reduce Duvall’s career down to The Shining. Her career is chock full of great directors and her exemplary work behind the camera for children’s entertainment. She is a gentle soul and does not deserve this, leave her the hell alone.

I’ve been a bit surprised by the reaction to Doctor Phil. Like, this was the final straw? When did people hear about Dr. Phil? Yesterday? He’s been a piece of shit for a long, long time. Whatever other gifts she has, Oprah has consistently shown herself to be a fairly poor judge of character.

Have you tried explaining how you’d bring their jobs back? That’s apparently all these people want.
That and open, honest discussion.
Right? Right???
*Cries blood*

“Sent from somewhere over the rainbow”

Man, people sure have a strange way of expressing their economic insecurity.

You Shitti Farty Dirty Nasty Jude Bitch!

OMG that looks like a different person.

She has been on the cover before, but it would be the first time for the current version of her face.

If only we all looked as good at 50.

Right? I see nothing wrong with the photo.

TF is wrong with you. She looks beautiful.