
is this gonna be like a ben affleck thing where brad goes and lives in george clooney’s pool house for a few months because

Makes sense, she can’t stay with someone for too long. Otherwise they start asking questions about how she never ages and needs permission to enter people’s homes.

Please don’t be nervous. You guys are my balance. I come here to remind myself that Trump is never going to be President because people just like you are rational, smart and informed. I read comments from you all and I’m like, “ok cool, so I’m freaking out over nothing, no worries. Calm down, Hachi.” So, please,

Security cameras? That’s an extra level of gross.

Agreed all around! Teachers are supposed to honor the asymmetrical relationship and be respectful of our students.

As a parent myself and the child of someone who taught teenagers for 35 years, I can atest that kids are often difficult to terrible. However, I’d say this awful dipshit should be stripped of her teachers license immediately. She clearly lacks the temperament to deal with humans in general, much less kids.

Sorry, this teacher isn’t cool and this topic isn’t funny. I’ve taught college for 15 years, and I wouldn’t say this to 18 year olds, much less 10th graders. You’re in an immense position of power as a teacher. It’s really important not to mock your students. I had one teacher in HS who consistently made fun of

I think it’s a fair question to ask. Not all of us lesbians are gold star lesbians. I can only speak from me and my circle’s experiences but for a lot of us, that relationship with a male (no matter how far it progresses) is part of the process of knowing and understanding what feels right or realising who you are.

Travolta and Douglas come to mind as seeming family men who’d be considered a list and have had rumors swirl about their conduct.

Poor Corey Haim.

Really? Age difference is still a thing?? I wear white after Labor Day. Dad’s black and Mom is white. Same sex marriage finally exists. How about the consenting adults thing? Kinda ageist, no?

This is good information.

Yeah I don’t think that last line is enough. The headline – and essentially the whole post – is pretty much stirring shit like, “smile pretty, honey.”

Julia gets a free pass for even being out in public this soon after her loss.

Um, maybe she was distracted because she lost her father on Friday?

just here to say that I’m Team Tatiana — how many more clones does she need to play before they give her the Emmy??

Because of their sick mother I’d take the money. I’d never talk to my older sister again after the wedding, but medical bills pile up fast and that money would be a big help.

“To a certain extent you missed the point by asking that question, however, I understand that within that question is your desire to be black.”

30 Dirty Tricks to Heat Up Your Voting Booth! (Hint: at least two involve ice cubes.)