
[W]hy hold back on the name of the man responsible for all of this unrest? Stories of death threats while police are arresting people like French for "not listening" and reporters like the Washington Post's Wesley Lowery for having a camera in a McDonald's or firing tear gas into people's neighborhoods is not reason

So, did "Del Harvey, Twitter's vice president of trust and safety" just start work yesterday? If not, he's been doing a really crappy job so far.

Sorry Ablow, I'm not taking health advice from a man who only gets to see his penis by standing on top of a mirror.

I think it goes without saying that if Michelle were the "right" skin color and belonged to the "right" political party (see what I did there? huh? huh?), he would be kissing her "fat" ass.

Though she mentions being a member of a non-sanctioned group called the Young Mormon Feminists

She was raped and is now considered to be unchaste?! Nope, nothing dehumanizing about that.

Like they probably move your bookmark back a few pages so that you're confused but only for a little

Gwyneth (a name my iPhone curiously autocorrects to "gay egg") would never ingest something liked smoked bacon sauce (wtf is that, anyway?). Sloppy work, Us Weekly.

I like how they include an arrow in case you don't know what a butt is.

But she didn't. She put HER name on the forever-internet. A prospective employer is not going to look at a resume and say "Joe Brown? Say, you aren't by any chance somehow related to Paula Brown, are you? Because I read that she has a son that stole things." His name is nowhere on her post.

I may receive violent threats and web banishment for these sentiments, but I'm posting them anyhow; I don't think this trend of public shaming is all that bad. This woman has been humiliated by her son and as such she has utilized resources at her disposal. I would feel different if she called him names and wrote

Yeah, because kids never have any other influences than their parents. I had great folks and I went through a stage of teen shitheadhood that I look back on in horror.

PLEASE post the followup story about their puppy named Scully who is skeptical about doors that can be opened.

The press needs to stop calling this a beating or an attack. It's attempted murder and sexual assault. The woman was forced to watch her friend get beaten, then she got beaten, stabbed, sexually assaulted, threatened with further rape, tortured, and the only reason she's alive is because he decided to go look for a

I hate funerals, even the supposed 'fun' ones. I like the idea that people want their send-off to be light hearted but I've attended too many of friends and family, so I have a solution for when my turn comes.

What bothers me about this is that we don't record IP addresses so as to protect these burner accounts for people who might want to tip us anonymously about a story. So the company is seemingly placing a priority on making these hypothetical tipsters feel safe over the safety of the actual real live women who write

I suspect most of the people paying for a subscription are people wanting to see a train-wreck. And they're not disappointed.

My sister is deathly afraid of moths, and loves fast food. I must now work at bringing these two things together. Posting photo's of disco moths to her fb just doesn't feel like enough anymore...