She's a step above all of us with resting-bitch-face, in that she has actual-bitch-face. It's unfortunate.
I told her that when she puts on makeup, she draws on her eyebrows too high, and she didn't say anything —— she just looked surprised....
I am pretty sure the only reason Fox has females on its shows (aside from the eye candy factor) is so they can be assholes to women with out getting called misogynists.
I have a question as to whether or not I'm allowed an opinion and a voice! Submitted for Andrea Tantaros' approval (I'll be waiting quietly in the meantime):
you want horrible, I thought, please don't let the child be a boy.
Did you mean to call her genitals her gentles? Cause that is now my favorite genital euphemism ever!
A good way to snatch items.
This is a horrible comment, you are a horrible person, and I feel horrible for laughing.
Usually when you read about Bryan Singer expecting a child, he's having a few delivered to a pool party.
Reba's greatest performance, though, was her Academy Award worthy turn in Tremors.
North has bitchy resting face.
You must be the new writer, because I have never laughed at any of these until today:
9, actually. They forgot to count Bruce.
This kid needs a show.
THIS = Justin Timberlake's entire career. Be careful though, when shit hits the fan they'll eventually sell your black ass out.
I just asked my 13 year old how he feels about this ad. His answer-"I live in LA, I have enough fake friends".
Oh that last one and my heart strings... I don't know whether to be thrilled that family can be so cool in the face of suckery, or pissed that they feel so compelled to reward not-suckery as a rare and precious thing.