
yes we would be angry, but we would apologize for it at the same time.

That is pretty crappy. I'm 99% sure that the ones in my area were closed on Christmas. Not sure about today. Must be a franchise thing-they can open or close. The franchisee who made that sign is a douche.

It always cracks me up how people think people were so much more civilized back in the day. They weren't. My uncle's dad (he wasn't my grandfather) was a Grade A piece of shit who, as my grandmother would say, "have a snake if it had a dress to pull up or pants to pull down." He was tom-catting around and one of his

Woman (me!) gets dumped right before Christmas, spends the $60 set aside for ex's present on a really nice vibrator (originally $80 but on sale—must have been meant to be). Two years later, the vibrator and I are still together. <3 <3 <3

I had a friend who found out his girlfriend who he lost his virginity to (relevant to revenge story) was cheating on her with his best friend.

"Fishdesk" is indeed a cromulent word; thank you for embiggening me this new knowledge.

And as she walked away (and out of his life forever) she flicked the butt of her cigarette in his direction, thus igniting the (previously gasoline soaked) papers he held in his lap.

I don't know, I feel like retribution's gone downhill since Lisa "Left Eye" Lopez burned down Andre Rison's house.

Now playing

obligatory—from that time period in my life—Anyone who was familiar with this song, immediately knew the "revenge" described by the author aint nuthin...

Hm, not that impressive. Two better revenge stories:

Yup my favourite revenge story was the lady of the local manor who raided her husband's multimillion pound wine cellar and left bottles on all the villagers doorsteps. That my friends is class.

Ok. So this seems pretty mild. Maybe it's because I am from the south, and we love to stir the shit in the most dramatic way possible. I'm pretty sure if I caught Mr. Druid cheating, there would be an Xbox one on fire when he got home from work. (Can one set Xbox ones on fire?)


I sent food back once, and it nearly broke me, such was the intensity of my Minnesota-nice upbringing.

Coming from owing a restaurant/coffeeshop.. Always support your staff. It doesn't even matter if they're wrong. If they're wrong, its because you trained them wrong, and that can be fixed later. What can't be fixed is the memory of being scapegoated at work over some loser that thinks his $5 entitles him to x amount

I can't wait to see stories about revenge on other servers.

i think everyone should work or at least shadow for a few days in 4 jobs before being allowed out in the world as an adult: food service, non food hospitality, call center and brick and mortar retail. the kind of places that are expected to take the abuse the customer dishes out.

"Now, that first story might not seem to be some huge righteous vengeance,..."

Exactly. I bet he made this face when he thought up the idea of "mixing up" Franco's name.