
You can see her actual (or more realistic) waistline here and she looks f-ing bomb. Body goals. Bless the big-hipped girls and thank you KK for making it hot!

The oil is NATURAL, dudes! Speaking from my own experience as an Italian-American woman, I want you to know that's just how we look naked: oily, sleek, and shiny! Maybe Kim is just LIKE THAT! STOP OIL SHAMING KIM!

i like how it's b/w. that makes it artistic

I am a married womun. Do not speak to me like this in front of D.C. Zhe gets jealous.

Just saw this one and I'll be scrolling for more. Love the responses!

People have already been posting same sex (and may I add very beautiful) marriage photos, and you still get the church roaches saying they're not being a good example of a proper Christian couple. Ugh, I wanna throw up on their wedding photo albums, that's technically not a sin, right?

I'm actually kind of annoyed that I'm married to a dude right now. Us kissing looks exactly like the dumb jerk Duggars except younger and less time-traveling hair.

nothing says love like a Cosby Sweater

Well, damn, I got married nine days ago. And we're both Christians. I guess I'll just have to settle for an extramarital fling with the giant panda plush I met on honeymoon, who I suspect may be a Godless Heathen.

Pick the hairiest, most strongly-jawed of the bunch. Put him in the worst wig, not even a wig, the end of a mob. Insist that this is your loving wife.

please post your makeout qualifications here

Every time I see either Duggar kissing picture, after I get over the initial ick, I think about how awkward trying to stage either picture must have been. "Oh shoot, okay, let's try again honey, this time it looks like I'm eating your face." "Oops, I forgot to close my eyes that time." "Whoops, wrong filter, go

I wish I had a boyfriend and 19 cabbage patch dolls to hold in my arms as I kissed him.

I don't even have a picture of us together, but I feel that this particular occasion would be an appropriate time to break the Facebook relationship code (first rule of Facebook; we don't talk about Us) and post a kissy photo.

*Calls up my all my guy friends* Alright guys, we have been waiting for this moment. Time to troll & promote ourselves, as 50 Shades of Gay Guys.

So I guess I shouldn't send that Facebook page to 4chan and challenge them to a troll-off?