
A+ work, Tara Jacoby.

You run away just like the women in most of the videos did. RUN AWAY!

Aww... No Mawwiage?

I'm weirdly disappointed that there were no actual naked people in that video.

Nothing I have to say is as good or important as that lady in the video who got SO mad at her boyfriend that she smacked him with a small guitar. (ukelele?)

My husband hid my ring in a box of Bacon Toffee Chocolate. After I said yes/cried, I got real serious and asked what he did with the chocolate because I would take back my 'yes' if there was no dessert. So maybe those were really just empty boxes and she got upset?

Exactly. As grandma used to say, 'They don't have walking around sense.'

I'm with MAM. The color red is obvious not vegan. I can't believe they would even serve it.

I'm a barista in the Midwest. One of my coworkers started at Starbucks before coming to our shop; and had me in tears after he told me about a rednecky gentleman who came in to order one night. I guess this guy strode in and jovially, loudly asked him, "Hey man! Y'all got them, uh, caramel machetes here?!"

I need No-Red guy to go on a date with Allergic-to-Crunchy woman.

Regarding secret shoppers: Editor's Note: There is no screening process. Any idiot can — and usually does — sign up for that job

So full from all the gratuities in mah belleh.

When I was in Europe, selling monogrammed thermoses, THEY would cook my steaks for me until it was tender, no matter how long it took. Americans are so lazy sometimes.

Of course, because it's inflammatory. I'm allergic to the inflammatory.

I normally serve mine in a beer batter but only to my guests that are 21+.


I like my gratuity grilled until it's tender. Please remember that for next time.

if a customer wants you to grill a steak until it gets tender, you grill it until it gets tender