
"I spent most of my early 20s hoarding evidence that men would, occasionally, under the right circumstances, fuck fat women."

I approve of this Drake main photo. Also:

This is funny in context of your profile pic/avatar, as if you are preparing for lunch with the Blue Man Group since you just finished the pre-lunch activities.

This leads me on to something I've been dying to see discussed somewhere. Do ya'll watch Homeland? Quinn hooks up with a fat lady. They have sex. It's almost, almost, like a legit, normal girl meets boy experience EXCEPT she's fat so of course there is an incident in a diner where dudes make fun of the whale. Why is

It's stuff like this that is precisely the reason I've always stayed out of the Big Girl clubs. As much as I like to dance, these places are filled with guys that feel like they are doing you a favor by just talking to you, forget about getting to know you, or respecting you as a person. I am a big woman, although I

As a fat woman, BBW has zero positive connotations for me because it has been co-opted by fat fetishists and (as the piece above says) porn. If a man were to ever tell me that he loved "big, beautiful women" or used the shorthand BBW at any point, I would run for the hills. Same with "fat admirers" and "chubby

I would actually rather see Drake coming out of a Build A Bear Workshop. What bear would he make?

I like lunch, and I am good at giving head. Am I supposed to be ashamed of that now? I'm kind of over the indignation that other girls who look like me have about how other people view their fatness. Yes, there are guys out there who like us. Yes, there are dudes out there who want to hook up with fat girls on the DL

The value of women in society: sucking you dry and joining you for lunch. Yay, women!

I dunno, I could compare myself to a Ruben sandwich — big, delicious, saucy, and kind of a mess to deal with.


"Some men like that" is so backhanded too! I've had male friends say that to me before when the context was explicitly "I'm feeling bad about XYZ thing about myself and it makes me feel unattractive to the people I'm attracted to". "Some men like that" might as well be the equivalent of Tobias Funke shouting "THERE

Occasions when I am too English for Jezebel #434. 'Thick' means 'stupid' over here. So I went all judgemental assuming he was saying he wanted to be with unintelligent women. Sorry.

The TL;DR of every Drake song:

Right? I'm so sick of dudes who think that telling us we're fuckable is the highest form of flattery. For some women it is, and that's sad, but for many of us it's not.

"The type that wanna suck you dry and then eat some lunch with you."

So ready for dudes to realize that "Hey ladies, I'd fuck you!" is not actually the panacea they think it is.

I actually really hate this song as a Nicki Minaj fan, so this is new to me. I don't get the song at all, and I don't find it empowering like I usually find her music to be when its sexual. Like " I never fucked these guys, they all want to fuck me, guys come and corroborate that you want to fuck me and how. Like

Pope Drake.