
I have a totally crazy adolescent bunny in my house at the moment (and two sweet, cuddly seniors) and he is the cutest, evilest thing ever. He snuck into the the trundle under my bed and tore up all my down blankets today and chewed on the bathroom door. He terrifies the elderly gentlemen bunnies with his wild

I will bunny gif you into submission.

Sweet Dreams!

Look here, Mark. Callie may be gone, but I'm still here to stick up for bunnies everywhere. Don't. Mess. With. Me.

Because I don't want none, unless you've got big bun(nie)s!

Y'all, I found out last week that my bunny most likely had cancer, and then on Monday, learned from her CT scan that she did NOT. EVERYTHING IS OK AND RIGHT WITH THE WORLD.

Mine is named Lily.

Damn, you got to the joke before us.

I bet it was a woman doctor who did the penis stabbing!

Blrgh. I wouldn't suck a dick either. When I was a wee 19 years old, I used to work at a hospice care center as a nurse aide. Yeah, the first dick (of like fifty hospital dicks that year) that I saw ever in my life was attached to an 85-year old coma patient whose hygiene had been really neglected. He was

If I told my husband that I wasn't comfortable with a particular sexual act and his response was "that is such a turn-off", I might never have sex with him again.

All Allen cares about at this point is whether he can expense the hot dog he ate or not (no).

When I was first dating a guy a while back, he finished in my mouth after I specifically requested he didn't. "Oh, it was just so good. I couldn't help myself!" he said. Meanwhile, he came so much. . . and it tasted so bad that I was left with blow job PTSD for the duration of our relationship.

I have a similar thing as his wife when it comes to BJs — I don't want cum in my mouth. It has to do with some unpleasant experiences in high school. But here's the thing — I am a-ok with giving blowjobs because I trust my boyfriend and he is fine with that aspect being off the menu. Instead he gets to come on my tits

How does one get into a marriage without knowing that one's SO is averse to a relatively common sex act. If this was a new development after years of getting great head, I could see the issue. But if you married her knowing that she doesn't give head you knew what you were getting into.

My penis is a cobra and it does spew poison.


"reward her with praise"

Also good advice - if you're looking to introduce novelties in the bedroom, make sure your partner is up to give it a try before spending $299 on that real leather whip with matching handcuffs.