Part of me is glad that John Mayer is aware of Banksy. Part of me is deeply concerned that John Mayer has yet to realize that Banksy's career is basically an epic troll effort to satirize people like John Mayer. There is a very good chance that this is how black holes are formed.
I've heard about the gentle leader but I like to give him leeway when we're in the woods or not around others. That's probably part of why he never learned but I just love that dumbhappy look on his face when he isn't overly restrained and can explore and sniff and do doggy stuff. (Also, now I'm dying because after I…
Chihuahuas always seem to have a complex. Little Dog Syndrome. They think they are the biggest and baddest dogs on the block. They actually bite more people than pit bulls but can't do as much damage. Good on you for taking him in and working with him so patiently. Here's to his continued progress!
My small cat came from an identical situation - rescued from a hoarder, never been out of a cage before, etc. The first two days in my house, she hid under the fridge (not kidding, she is very wee). A year later, and she's still wary of other people, especially tall or loud ones, but she is so loving and sweet with me…
I mean no disrespect, but I just cannot take the "It's not comfortable" complaint from men. I work in a field where aesthetic symbols matter quite a bit, and the kinds of things I have to wear (high heeled shoes especially) are so much more of a burden than a collared shirt and slacks. I know, I know, it's immature…
For the foster dog parent - there is a thing called the Yellow Dog Project, which encourages owners of dogs who are reactive or otherwise need space to tie a yellow ribbon around their collar. You could try that, but not everyone knows about it yet. It has gotten some good media coverage, though, so some will know.…
Kudos to you and your pup. I also have a rescue dog who has made great strides since we've had her, but still has issues. She still dislikes other dogs, but is starting to warm up to kids, which is a great improvement for her. Also, she's stopped peeing on the floor anytime she meets a new person, so that's a plus!…
I take a very similar approach with my big baby. Having him do tricks that break his focus from the other dog (before it gets too intense) are the best way to deal and I often visit dog parks - without actually going in - to have him practice being calm and attentive with other dogs around. He's not a rescue, but he…
My chow mix rescue is pretty much an asshole on a leash. He doesn't bark but he pulls and bucks and otherwise looks like an idiot when he sees another dog. I tried for years to fix it and have now just given up. It's a good workout to pull 80 lbs of dog along. The neighborhood knows he's stupid and friendly and…
We have a rescue chihuahua. The shelter where we got him told us that he'd been rescued from an animal hoarder house.
Yes we practiced "Look" so she would sit and look at me until the dog had passed. We also used "touch" (where she'd touch my hand with her nose and get a treat). It was an easy 'job' to give her and one that gave me a "positive" thing to reinforce.
That helped us but my dog was still a lunatic about other dogs while walking.
She's now 4 years old and has gotten far less insane about other dogs while on the leash. She gets whiney and keeps looking at them to make sure they're not coming to close.
I still cross the street if another dog is coming toward us.
I foster dogs of varying degrees of bonkers, and the best tools in my arsenal are a bright yellow harness and leash that say "adopt me" in huge letters. That signals to all passers-by that you're a foster momma, and not an asshole. You can find a variety of them on the internet, with a portion of the sale price…
I do not believe LW1 enjoys drinking 40s on the stoop.
It may also be a good idea to redirect Lord Freakoutloroy's behavior with another. My dog used to be highly leash reactive, so when we got near other dogs (but not TOO close) I would make him sit, sometimes lay down, and give him rewards for doing other tricks he knew. Giving him something to DO was really helpful in…
>>...I'm not sure why this is such a common problem...<<
The Paul Bunyan advice is really terrible. Just level with the dude about the dress code when the situation arises — if he cares about making you happy, he'll acquiesce, if he cares more about his comfort than you, he won't. Trying to manipulate him into wearing what you want him to wear without coming out and…