Lets keep this civil and not mock this man for his physical disability, mkay?
Last week, the world was introduced to Dale Decker, a Wisconsin man who had lost everything due to a…
Hilarious, twisted, campy. I loved it!
Oh I love this so hard. As hard as Mr. Goldblum's delightfully shiny chest and hair as he leans over and softly tinkles on his hot tub piano.
Tim and Eric never disappoint.
I paused an episode of Downton Abbey to watch this commercial as soon as I read the words "Jeff Goldblum" and "shirtless." Totally worth it.
I forgot Jeff Goldblum was one of the Golden Girls. He played Dorothy, correct?
I wonder if the likelihood of sticking to various "dealbreakers" increases with age. As I've gotten older, I've found myself much more willing to stick to my personal dealbreakers. That being said, all mine deal with the pretty big things: I don't want kids, I don't want to get married, I won't date someone who…
I just got engaged to the "creepy weirdo" next door. He is a simple, blue collar guy that many think is a "redneck". He's definitely a country boy at heart and I would've stereotyped him to be a racist asshole.
I am a staunch advocate of the two P's of dating: Personality, Pulse.
Is her voice really that amazing? The only time I've heard her sing was in the episode and it was very much the opposite of impressive. Maybe she was nervous or something, but I thought the guy she sang with on the second tune (we'll call him "Hair Trashcan") majorly stole the show.
I'm a feminist. Just getting that out of the way.
Ariana Grande is doing 21 like a boss.