
I have nothing to contribute except that this is the perfect time to use my all-time favourite cupcake image. It may or may not be my desktop background...

If I were the teacher I would have responded, "How can I teach this lesson accurately if you didn't prepare any penis cookies?"

I have a 3rd grade boy who calls women's parts "You know...!!!???" While pointing to his crotch. So, like it or not, the kids don't get it and will want to know why the frosting was scraped/waxed off....

Really, at no time in one's life should there be surprise vagina. 2nd grade, 70 years old. Surprise vagina just isn't ok.

" (for one thing, that's going to give kids a REALLY inaccurate view of a vagina's flavor profile)"

She's a regular Georgia O'Queef.

"Those vaginas are highly processed, Mrs. Mulcahy. At this school we are committed to eating locally sourced 'clean' vaginas."

So Wednesday night is bar night with the guys, and they loved this story. They wanted to know if she used almonds for the clitoris, if there was any disclaimer that not all vaginsa are color-coded, and why this wasn't an option for them in college. I am seeing a buainess opportunity here.

"Timmy! Stop picking your nose and eat your vagina!"

"I will no longer be participating on Fridays due to the lack of disrespect that I was shown today."

Man, I hate it when I go someplace just hoping to be disrespected, and they treat me with respect and dignity... Really grinds my gears.

Cookies shaped like any human organ is pretty gross. Chocolate chip lungs, peanut butter livers, rainbow sprinkled bladders, shortbread small intestines = fucking ew.

I am trying to remember if I even knew that I had a vagina in the second grade.

The most disturbing part of this story is not the vagina cookies but the fact that mom states the children should be learning "how to please the vagina". That is borderline entering pedophilia there. Can you imagine if this had been a dude brining in penis cookies and saying second graders should be learning to please

Where does one find that mold? It's for a friend.


"Filed to: Clitoreos"
I'm dying here

This reminds me of the time, many years ago, when a woman came up to me in a shopping center and said "I have something to show you." There in the back of her station wagon was a box full of x-rated gingerbread cookies in many different varieties (however, I'm pretty sure there were no realistic vagina cookies). They

Saw this story this morning, accompanied by this image. Kind of disappointed that it's not a picture of the real cookies.

"friend who teaches 2nd grade"

Now I just need cookies.