
I had an impulse to google images of penises in lederhosen. Then I reconsidered.

Check yourself, Mark. Octopi are ADORABLE. They're also incredibly intelligent and they will one day be kind rulers once they've enslaved humanity... I mean... uh... YOU SAW NOTHING, HUMAN!

ETA: last pic is tl;dr version of other pics.

Image search turned up:

Mine once asked me for computer help, because she couldn't figure out how to slow down her mouse pad's speed LOL (Also, I love my doctor and I will need therapy when this woman eventually retires)

i'm crying like a woman without a salad. but from laughter.

My doctor needs to learn more about what doctors are supposed to look like. He never wears a stethoscope around his neck, doesn't store his tools alongside tubes of lube, never takes the sample birth control out of its packaging to wave around.

These women are probably upset because their employers just told them about their "deeply held" religious beliefs concerning contraception, and this is their last month of pills. I'd be confused, suspicious, and downright sad-faced too.

I hope this gets popular. I have an etsy shop where I only sell three-breasted bikini tops and so far business has been really slow.

It troubles me that you referenced Basset but not the chick from Total Recall.


This woman and I have very different priorities. Mine is basically to avoid the hell of bra shopping as much as humanly possible. Hers is to look at the 9th circle of hell, bra shopping, and say, "How can I make this even harder?"

Plus from the pictures it would appear she only has one tribra. I'm not convinced. Anyone planning on getting a third breast would have invested in making several tribras pre surgery.

She also announced she was changing her name to "Eccentrica Gallumbits" and plans to leave earth for Eroticon 6 as soon as it is feasible. Apparently was also quoted as calling Zaphod Beeblebrox "The best bang since the big one"

What is this "American Horror Story"?
