
Jennifer Lopez has been offered a lube sponsorship. Not quite sure what a lube sponsorship is

Guys, Ariana Grande makes me mega uncomfortable. Although "sexy My Little Pony" might be a more accurate description.


I know that squeaky fish toy well lol :)

We have a rescue Dachshund. Took him a few days to feel safe around me, and months to bond with my husband, and even longer to accept that not all strangers were a menace. We don't know what was done to him in his first year of life, but he has a front leg that was clearly broken and never set properly, and he still

This is Sam, aka Samwich. He's mostly Border Collie and then a bunch of other shit, with just a liiiiiiittle but of Pitt in him. He's way too narrow to have much but that still kept people from wanting him. Here, he poses enthusiastically with pieces of our rug he was so kind to redecorate for us. He was severely

Poor Dodger! My majestic Rosebeast belonged to some friends who had no idea that crating a dog for 18 hours a day is not a good thing. We got them from her before they could drop her Christmas-puppy butt back at the pound. She was a wee pup with some issues that all went away with love, training and activity. Some

Pibbles really are very sweet dogs; they become spoiled rotten when you give them love.

But it would be hard on the adopter, since people would look at the dog and always wonder if the new owner did the branding... This is a nice way to make like easier for someone doing a good thing.

Yay! Are we showing off our adopted pit bulls? Count me in!

Aw, sweet gentle baby. I'm surprised they think no one would adopt her with her disfigurement, though. I would think that after her story got out, people would be lining up to adopt her. That's usually how it works.

Pits and half-Pits are definitely not the pits.

2 of my 3 dogs are adopted. Guinness (100lbs, 6 years) was one of 6 puppies found after their mother was struck by a car. She'd had her puppies under a hedge next to a road. They were all adopted out quickly except Guinness, who was the runt. But he lives a very happy life.

Every year I rescue cats that have been abandoned and/or abused, and it never fails to shock me how quickly they can change with a little love and security. This animal took advantage of a helpless puppy and deserves to pay for his crime, maybe by having the same thing done to him! Most animals are sweet until they

OMG, I'm an hour away from my house and need to get home RIGHT NOW to cuddle my pit bull mutt pooches.

The domestication of the dog was one of the very few net positives humanity has given to the world. Dogs are loving, loyal, smart, playful and truly the best of all creatures. How any troglodyte could harm a dog is beyond me and, in my mind, an act of the purest, most depraved evil. May the scum who did this to that

Goddammit. Pits are the most eager to please, loyal dogs. All they want to do is please their owners. Mine was also abused, she was very nervous around men. Now she's spoiled rotten.

God, I hate people so much. Both my pups are rescues, and at least one of them was clearly abused before I adopted him (though thankfully nothing anywhere near as awful as this—he was very scared of people, but he was in good bodily health), and I can't read stories like this without imagining someone doing it to one