
Oh, cats!

No, that cat knew exactly what he was doing.

Well the play screen still has the word "VIAGRA" right across the top, so I'm gonna say Dodge Ram. But yeah, that was the ad I was mainly thinking about.

The shade of pink on that Honda looks more like 'Malox Pink' to me. So are you saying an Antacid is part of the "patriarchy"? LOL

The thing I honestly don't understand about proposal videos: when they go spectacularly wrong (guy gets turned down in front of Yankee Stadium, ring falls in lake and is stolen by Hobbit, aliens abduct both parties and ship them off to salt mines) why do people still upload them?

those cars are all shades of pink that actually appeal to women. the pink the honda fit is offered in is known as "patriarchy pink", it's the shade of pink that only appears on bullshit products designed for generic figures with two X chromosomes. See also: bic for her and all women's razors.

That poor woman. I really hope they found the ring.

That monstrosity isn't even a cool shade of pink! And I hate the notion today that pink is only a girl/ women's color. Chrysler hit the nail on the head in the 70s with it's Panther Pink/ Moulin Rouge shades. When I see cars in these colors at shows they definitely aren't all owned by women!

I had to ruin it for everyone else too...

FWIW, as a guy, I'm in favor of driver's side vanity mirrors. My previous vehicle (a 2006 Ford Ranger) had a mirror on the passenger side visor but not the driver's side. I thought that was kind of sexist. I'm not one of those metrosexual guys who is always checking himself in the mirror, but it's nice to be able

I was driving my sister and her friend when I passed one of those pink Mary Kay cars. Both went nuts and wanted to know what the car was so they could get one. Personally I could rock a Pink Caddy.... only one that had fins.

A two year only car marketed directly at women?

Women as a whole or women who have other traits in common, Dick? Because that's the issue here: universalising the experiences of women to lock them into some sort of "woman demographic." You need to start talking about intersections here. Age and class are two big ones you should immediately be considering.

As someone who is actually in the retail car business, women DO often have different wants and desires in a car than a man and there are some vehicles that are purchased/driven by women in far greater numbers than men. Women - like men - are consumers and I don't find it patronizing that manufacturers recognize the

Chevy should launch a new ad campaign about how they've meticulously designed a car for women, how they've been through all the research and focus groups, designed every last bit of the car towards the female driver - and then reveal that it's the Z/28.

The Honda Fit She's - so personalized towards women, we can't even bother to get an actual woman to stand next to the car, so here's an empty, ultra-generic silhouette for you!

not sure which is more sexist...

Three other colors. All four are based on eye shadow shades. I kid you not.