
I recently reopened my OkCupid account (I was drunk and feeling optimistic, cut me some slack). It's taken a whopping 1 day to start getting weird/pushy/you hurt me in my feelings center messages. I will email you with the especially bad/hilarious ones. Maybe the potential embarrassment of ending up on the web will

This is a TRIUMPH. The deceptive simplicity of the image evokes the tawdriness and shallowness of thought necessary to the act of ass-grabbing. Me Want Butts will surely rise to prominence alongside its spiritual predecessors, Duchamp's Fountain and the daring and still unclaimed "Vive la Revolucion".

If there ever was a more appropriate time for a popcorn eating GIF...

Can we please stop calling groping sexual harassment and properly call it sexual assault?

True story: I knew a teen who was born without a hand. He would point his arm/wrist stump at women, stroke it suggestively and ask "Do you know what I could do to you with this?"

Clearly cutting off hands isn't the answer. They will find a way.

Moral compass? He works in finance.

I don't know if this is cheap and lazy or absolutely glorious.

Brian Lederman: what a complete and total shitstain. And that's before he calls her a "fucking cunt" and threatens to sue her/prevent her from working. (He actually thought that any of what he said put him in a good light? That pretty much says everything you need to know about the guy.) Well, if he thinks ass

Now I'm picturing a bunch of embryos floating around the womb grabbing each other's asses. It's very odd.

That's because men like that don't see women as worthy of the same level of respect they give other men. I'm sure you'd never see or hear of them touching or groping another man. It's easy to feel entitled to do something to someone when you don't view them as a person; it's objectification at it's most base. It's

I hope he goes back to that eatery on his birthday and this is the cake.

My sentiments exactly.

My favorite part (bolding is mine) " 'I will make sure she doesn't get another job in New York City. I know everybody,' he raged. 'The bar owners, the club owners — that's a terrible thing to write about somebody.' " What a stereotypicaly cliche a-hole statement and how it reeks of privilege: he manages hedge-funds,

I'm a guy and I've never seen the appeal to grabbing women's asses. Do people not have a sense of boundaries instilled in them? Maybe if women carried meat cleavers on them and the penalty for grab-assing was a swiftly severed digit or hand some sick fucks would think twice about where they place Mr. Spanky in the

I think it's more of:

Someone just found their new cover photo on FB.

"I shall defend myself from these horrid accusations by completely removing all doubt that I am in fact an abject scumbag, and that such behavior would have been entirely within my character. Bet you didn't see that twist coming."

why am i not surprised that a self centered cad who would deign to