
My thoughts exactly. These cars are hated way more than they should be; they’re right up there with station wagons and minivans. Everyone hates on them because it’s what the cool kids are doing, but anyone who’s honest with one will find they’re pretty awesome, and that’s the position Jalopnik should take.

Aren’t Harleys broken when they’re crated up from the factory anyway?

I don’t wear my team scarf in the summer in the UK, I wear it to games until I don’t need a scarf anymore. I have a team bobblehat, I wear it when it’s cold.

Yeah, but that’s the best thing about tradition. When it gets old enough and strange enough that you’re doing something completely nonsensical just because some dude two hundred years ago did it.

Fucks sake, try to enjoy yourself and have some fun.

Japanese soccer fans actually figured this one out. J.League runs a spring-fall schedule too and fans wear sweat towels instead of scarves.

if you use the terms ‘side’ and ‘kit’ and ‘pitch’ you can also fuck right off with criticizing others for ripping off euro footy tradition

Occasional Columbus Nordecke resident here, I think this is why we have mostly stuck to existing songs. Its horrible, and all chants sound dumb when they are done by 7 random dudes.

I have an Alfa Romeo. I love my car. I would NEVER rely on it for daily transportation. But it’s 34 years old and cobbled together from three different cars, so not an experience that’s applicable to a new one. The car is honestly over-engineered and possesses some truly amazing tech for a car designed in the 1970s. Ch

You’ll also find that the gas tank filler is almost always on the opposite side of the car as the tailpipe.

Hey, the floor is yours, hoss.

That’s assuming that markets are efficient, which is a pretty ballsy position to take considering recent history.

Even if Hamilton were paid to schill for them on the sly, who cares?

“What the fuck is an ‘employer-matched 401k’?”

This should be the most nonpartisan issue in America: don’t give middle class retirement dollars to high-priced

Indeed! Your self righteous insistence on not yielding to merging traffic is the fundamental building block of most urban traffic jams.

Because it’s not American. There are still people in this country that refuse to buy American cars because of the crap they produced in the 80's and 90's.

Yeah, he should be wrestling with the guys. Like he wants to.

Reasons to not move to Texas: