
That’s great, now how do you pronounce it?

That car is the most so-cal thing possible.

People are allowed to have inconsistent beliefs and media orgs are allowed to hire writers with different takes on the same topic.

It’s almost as if human beings are complex and rarely rigidly adhere to a strict, consistent dogma.

As a Blue Jackets fan, I would LOVE if the cannon made me go deaf. Believe me, that is not a problem.

Its not a review of the difficulty of building the bike. Its a review about a bicycle that requires assembly that discusses the assembly process in the overall review.

The Blue Jacket’s cannon is the best hockey sound.

An allen wrench is an allen wrench. Or do you have a titanium diamond-encrusted allen wrench?

And yet, it is the perfect way to introduce a story on a general interest tech and gadget website reviewing a bike that is sold to non-enthusiasts. If you want a more in-depth or technical review this is probably not for you!

This is the truth. My parents never had a stick car and drivers ed is 100% auto. You can’t even rent a stick car. When I’ve asked my few friends with stick cars to let me try, they always say no. How does one learn short of buying a damn stick car?

Maybe! But, I mean Christ. I follow his blog, its nothing but wildcards, wildcards, nyc football, wildcards, his movie theater in Santa Fe, wildcards, and wildcards with a side of wildcards.

It’s surprisingly hard to find that data in one place.

Well, yeah obviously, we all took econ 101. My point is getting butts in seats is one thing getting cash out of wallets is another.

It would be interesting to see more granular attendance numbers.

They’re not exactly selling tickets at NFL prices, tho. It’s also usually pretty cheap to get in the door (I’m not complaining, just saying). 

Eh, there’s millions out there collecting dust. Now here’s one that will be used, and turned into a cool new thing.

Nintendo sold millions of these. Today, maybe 5% are in active use, if that. Sad to say, but most old SNES’ will probably NEVER be used again, by anybody, in any capacity. If you want an old SNES, you can easily pick one up for a small fee.

I love that it has that standard SNES oddly-faded plastic.

Then know to get out the little body bag.

You know, that’s insanely gaudy, but you can tell that guy really loves his car. Not my taste but you can’t hate a guy for that, I say let him live.