
You’re always going to have assholes chasing the next shiny thing.

That’s probably a 401(k), not a pension.

Just don’t tell the current occupant of the white house

My dad had an 87 Maxima just like this one. That was the car I learned to drive in. He told me, “this is the best car I’ve ever had, if you get in a wreck make sure it’s mom’s car!” Sure enough, I did (it was a 95 Maxima, not nearly as good, no big loss).

Oh please, you’re reading far too much into that. Someone in turn of the century Vienna going to the opera is about as meaningful as someone in Chicago today catching a Cubs game. It was just something you do.

Hell yeah. Picking up dog shit is a small price to pay for 20 minutes of fresh air and podcast time.

Nah, he was a dumb redneck. All the finer things he enjoyed, he enjoyed “performatively”, meaning he enjoyed them as a means of showing off the supposed greatness of German culture. He went to the opera so he could impress on the masses the superiority of Wagner.

It died of a tragic case of symbolism.

Its a Yugoslavian-engineered comment.

Ha, no worries man, I hear what you’re saying, and I’m aware that my current burner handle is maybe not the most dignified!

Ah, the eternal question - Do idiots know that they’re idiots? I don’t know and I don’t care. What I do know is it will be a very long time before I’m ready to make nice with the trumpists. Until then, they can all get fucked.

Fuck them. They did a stupid thing and should be made to feel stupid.

Hey show me an article (from anywhere!) showing that Trump is doing a good job, that he is competent, that he is up to the task at hand.

I’m with you, but strictly on style. Tell me these aren’t cool-looking cars:

God, that was a hilarious moment. I remember that vividly.

Yeah, I would turn that around. When you’re a kid having something signed by your hero is mind blowing.

A grateful nation salutes you for your sacrifice, citizen. Godspeed.

Right, and unlike most CEOs, athletes need to show results or they can be cut mercilessly.

Ahem, I prefer Herr Doktor Fart.

Hell I’ll do it for half that.