

If you are 45% short of your forecasting, that isn’t “people leaving our game” that’s “people are fleeing in droves and we should consider shutdown”. This is primarly about poor management, though I have no doubt they though interest leading to Final Shape would be higher.

Mmm, especially if her agent was able to get that Star Wars money for the trilogy. Girl has talent and not the smallest reason in the world to do anything for the general audience given the neckbearded hostility. 

That is...good?

Maybe? They’ve moved further and further into the mainstream due to to remasters&ease of accesibility here in the West. I’m not sure I’d call the last one their breakout here but it was pretty close.

Counterpoint - Carnage in the DLC and then can it with the symbiotes.

Oh, he’ll change course.

Sorry, Joe Biden is exactly that stupid. He’s an 80 year old man, I dare you to find an 80 year old who understands movies\television are pure fiction. They don’t have enough left in their brain to appreciate the difference between fiction and non-fiction.

I also hate it when we approrietly report that Joe Bidens brain is nothing more than a slightly different bowel of ranicd pudding.

I love when a simpleminded white man makes their choices based off the talky-talky box.

Yup! Two of the best horror, two of the best “lovecraft” stories.

My only quesion after the last week of people saying “You liked Alan Wake? Watch *insert Carpenter film*!” is,

As I said (oh god, its only been a month) at release, the game is absolutley NOT optimistic about the future or painting a rosy outlook. Earth was utterly ruined, everything we love is gone and even now, clinging to barely habitable rocks, we still let the 1% play games and allow tribal infighting to dominate all.

Fair enough.

#1 complaint is the boss fights, they rival ff16 for just going on for-fucking-ever.

I’m betting we get both as DLC’s. Neither are worth building a game around. 

The first of the Friends has fallen.

That is incredibly unfair judgement when people like Greg Land and Chuck Austen are still getting regular work.

I literally recoiled when he showed up in it and was bummed I had its neon glow and bum ass haircut showing for the whole ending.

Yeah, that’s what my memory is, the most banger winter of all time.