But does Microsoft have any games worth spending 500 on this? If your 4k ready but no new exclusives then why bother. Atleast Sony has a stream of great exclusives that make it worth it over a PC.
But does Microsoft have any games worth spending 500 on this? If your 4k ready but no new exclusives then why bother. Atleast Sony has a stream of great exclusives that make it worth it over a PC.
Wow an hour really? Funny takes me about 2.5 seconds. Quicker if I told the button
Because the people who buy the game tickets, team merchandise, sponsored beer, and other products care. When you collectively piss off your entire paying fan base during a time when viewership is already down, is it really all that surprising that every team is shunning Kaepernick?
Fight Milk!
Just read this barney style breakdown why it matters: http://electronics.howstuffworks.com/question487.htm
Listen you sorry excuse for a failed abortion, just because you “work” in a studio in someone’s basement doesn’t mean shit. There is a measurable scientific difference between analog and digital. Shit There is a difference just between digital formats and quality levels. It 100% matters how it was recorded and…
Lmao that is the most ridiculous statement and says nothing. You basically said the most vaguest thing ever that can be applied to anything.
How so. Where is your retort? He is right about analog vs digital and vinyl.
A million times yes! Any new reissues of old stuff should be off of original analog too and not digital remasters.
Actually that’s bullshit. The VGA has certified reproductions as the real deal on several accounts. Video game grading is a bullshit service.
Rich as in money maybe but not rich in love and a lifetime of joy from having a family.
Says the 45 yr old bachelor who can’t understand why no one will truly love him.
Broken NES controllers are a dime a dozen. Working controllers aren t hard to find or expensive. NES hardware and most games aren’t rare and is probably the most currently collected retro system.
Well the more people buy it now and use it, the greater chance that it will be able to handle requests like you provided and more accurately.
You sure about that
So if a man splains something to a woman it’s mansplaining right?Women had to invent a word with negative connotations to describe when a man tries to communicate with them about a topic.
What if a woman didn’t know this information. Now she just had a man explain something to her. So feminism or something
Well to be fair they shouldn’t have gone around pretending they weren’t ravaged by war and alot of their citizens living in poverty. The facade of wealth and equalness was their own doing. Kind of like wheb North Korea or Iran release some “tech” now that is clearly fake or trash.
So they made it more like battlefield mixed with world at war
The buyers. There is a difference between a true predatory loan and someone just not doing the math and living beyond their means. Most people fall into the latter.