
Look there is a difference between using the same engine and a few models here and there and the entire game taking place on the same exact fucking map with the same environment, re used player models, weapons, animations, etc. That is called a mod or expansion pack and is usually either free or no more than $20.

No it’s not at all. Yea so something cheap can be good and that applies to all media. However, this is a cheap cash in because they are literally reusing assets from MGS. It’s a mod. A cheap cash in by Konami to make a quick buck on the metal gear name. CCould it be decent? Yea maybe. For $60 I won’t find out.

It’s a cheap cash in. Period.

No not at all. It’s just a sad attempt to tie in a story element for them using assets from MGSV to make a game as cheap and fast as possible. It’s even supposedly the same Afghanistan map as V just all “weird”.

“Well” at about half of what the ps4 has sold.

Take notes EA. Some real exciting games from a diverse pool of genres.

So how is this any different than a ps4 pro for $100 more? Microsoft claims it’s the fastest console but does that even really mean anything if it’s outputting essentially the same as a Pro?

N64 was ultra64.

I don’t think the cookie thing is really working lol, but I get what your saying. The products are good, just the criteria they use for their scoring system is questionable. What I would like to know is what threshold do they consider dangerous for certain chemicals such as oxybenzone. Is it just the presence of it

Only if the terrible cookie recipe still made OK tasting cookies. Their information isn’t INVALID, it is just mainly unimportant and not useful in a real everyday scenario.

Go protest a circus.

I’d take that rifle over nothing into battle though.

You did with your first retarded fucking comment that perpetuates stigmas against people with service related PTSD. Ignorant immature bullshit.

Yea great you Googled and copied a link. Your comment about killstreaks makes no sense with PTSD. First off there are alot of causes yo PTSD not just killing. Second, not every person who goes to combat gets ptsd. Third, your comment just makes zero fucking sense. PTSD is a diagnosis for a psychological disorder not

That makes zero sense. Do you even know what PTSD is?

i actually thought infinite war single player campaign was the best COD since MW1.

shut up. dont be butthurt your country isnt represented. When the US stops being the highest grossing game market then youll stop seeing things from their perspective.

No not in every circumstance. So it is perfectly acceptable the airbags didn’t go off? Because regular cars catch fire it’s OK for the batteries to explode?

Well the airbags also didn’t deploy. The batteries exploded and emergency release on an odd door aren’t clearly marked or accessible during an accident or emergency.

That was basically the origin medal of honor and Cod games. A mash of Saving Private Ryan and band of brothers