
I like to think that Westwood and Blizzard challenged each other back in the 90's, bringing out the best of both in their RTS games - not to mention other studios bringing out great competition (Total Annihilation, Age of Empires, Empire Earth). And giving fans many, many hours of fun.

EA closed Westwood in 2003, the

“She’s portraying Rose, a mechanic who fights against the First Order by keeping the Resistance up and running.”

Thanks for not being an asshole and keeping something so rad from people that might actually wear it.

Its not for shelling, its for penetration. The same principle as a Kinetic Energy Penetrator (KEP) tank shell. The friction and energy from impact alone create an explosion and can penetrate multiple levels of armor.

Cruise missiles are extremely expensive and take up a lot of space. With these hypervelocity guided rounds, ships could use their guns on a great many targets that are now served by cruise missiles. This will allow the expensive cruise missiles to be saved for targets that really need them. The railgun isn’t going

weren’t ever trained on the dangers of space or new uninhabitable planets.

Waiting for the list of 7 Dumbest Dudes in Outer Space...

I kinda like Zander. I mean, he’s a smarmy asshole, but everyone else in the movie is a brainwashed thug, so he kinda stands out to me.

I remember my first home PC in the early 90's - Compaq Presario with a whopping 3.5 gig hard drive.

Wait...3.5 GB in the early 90s? Wouldn’t that have been like 2 million dollars? I recall HHD sizes in the early 90s being in the MB range, I believe mine started with a 140MB drive. Or maybe I’m nuts.

Ha yep that thing was awesome at the time.

Who said he is paying for them? Also, anyone can afford to fly, they just need to know how. I fly to Europe once per year for free other than taxes and fees.

Switch users, I think

Ummm, it’s also kind of a good game.

Haven’t portable titles always taken a quality hit compared to their stationary console cousins, though?

I remember loving my old pea-soup GameBoy when it first came out, because I could play games on the go—but Super Mario Land did not look anything like Super Mario Bros. Nor did the portable Castlevania stack up all

Have to agree here. This is sensationalism and could have been whined about at any point in the past. I remember being surprised by the scene when I first read the book at the age of 12, but not bothered by it. You know what *did* bother me and haunt me for years to come? Kids being devoured, eaten and otherwise

I also don’t get where the outrage is about the scene in the book (which is also not in the movie) where one of the bullies gives the other one a handjob and then offers to “put it in my mouth if you want.” To fake outrage over one act of childhood sexuality but completely miss the other either means there’s some

Couldn’t agree more. Many gory child murders, viscous hate crimes, domestic violence, but oh god please don’t show kids having sex with other kids the same age. If you’re more worried about a single sex scene then detailed dismemberment of children then you have your priorities wrong.

Ok? The point on art is to stir up feelings. Not all of them good. The funny thing is we often make our own story out of art. Its telling that you concocted a backstory that reflected subservient female sexuality. People like you are always looking for something to get offended about. You could have just been

It’s that how the internet blog writer opinion mafia wants me to think of it? Sorry, not gonna oblige. There are far, far grosser things described in that book.