Counter-Counter-Counterpoint: Yes, podracer on N64 was a fantastic racer. Way better than it should have been as an Ep1 tie-in.
Counter-Counter-Counterpoint: Yes, podracer on N64 was a fantastic racer. Way better than it should have been as an Ep1 tie-in.
Jesus, edit grammar and spelling much?
So you are complaining about being allowed to voice your opinion by complaining that I am voicing my opinion...right...
Why do you need both? The mature and responsible thing to do when you fuck up is admit there is a problem and fix it. They did both in a timely manner. Forcing a person or company to grovel over something trivial is just ridiculous.
Seriously? I failed this mission 3 times overall but once you know the pattern it is easy as pie topped with cake. The Korok follows the same exact pattern every single time. So once you move past the “fuck that little shit for turning around” moments, it is simple.
Same. No issues for me. I’ve used joycon behind body parts. Have had people and furniture between myself and dock. Works like a charms.
Who cares?? It is a very small percentage of controllers with an issue. It is clearly not that widespread like other console launches (Red Ring of Death anyone?).
You might think it is overrated but you are actually wrong. Just because you think it, doesn’t make it true. Zelda is one of the longest lasting, highly rated, well known and loved franchises ever. That doesn’t happen if it’s crap.
I don’t understand how the dock is scratching Switch screens. If you look inside the dock, there are rubber boots on each side that prevent the switch from rubbing against the hard plastic when pulling it in and out....
Good you changed but it really bothers me how you trivialize your old viewpoints regarding homophobia and religion but say what JonTron is saying is worse. They really are on the same level.
That is pretty shocking to me. I own all the Sony consoles since launch except the Vita, and never have had an issue with any of them. I know some people personally that had issues with PS2s though when they launched. Never met anyone with a PS1/PS3 issue personally.
The strongest evidence all points to the Adult Link Victorious timeline, aka WindWaker. There is no indication how far in the future this game takes places, so who knows exactly what events happened when and where. For all we know BOTW takes place 10k years after WW. Haven’t beaten the game yet so bare with me. We…
Lol grow up. You come to a Zelda article bitching about the game in order to get a reaction. Live in your bubble and believe what you want. Who cares if people give it a good score or not? What does it matter to you? No one cares that you don’t like the game even though you never played it lol. I understand the…
All the reviews are opposite of what you think. So your point is completely invalid. You watched a few videos so you think you know enough to disagree.
You are basing your ideas off of watching a video of someone else playing the game. You have no experience, so you really can’t say if the game is good or not.
You’re an idiot.
Haven’t had this issue thankfully. Loving Zelda so far
Now they will just have poor selection, high prices and other questionable ethical practices!
You mean “Fly? Yes. Land? No!”
This is the headline from Rock paper Shotgun: