
Except you basically left out all the details until the very end. If you started out with “Players get a dogtag, some new radio messages, and possible a clue to future content” AND then went into the process behind getting the dogtag, then it would make more sense.

LOL ok. So no, it wouldn’t be 20 years since the game came out 20 years ago. I said 15 because people really started talking about it around the time FFX came out.

How about some links bud. You also forget “remake” is what fans asked for in the sense tyke game has new graphics and sound. An HD version is NOT the same. That is the same game meant to run at higher resolutions etc. HD remakes didn’t exist as a widely used term until maybe 5 or 6 or so years ago.

What a disappointing sequel. I loved the first WD, but WD2 just felt real boring and bland in a way. Too easy and not much fun.

Your conclusion makes no sense. Just because people were happy they saw footage of an FF7 remake at a press conference, does not have anything to do with what fans were actually asking for, for years. Again, I said this game has the potential to be good, but it isn’t what real fans have been asking for. No one

No one asked for a remake. Fans wanted the same game with new graphics. this version has the potential to be good but it’s something no one wanted. Like a th

Yes. Just give me a straight remake of FF7 without all the FF15 influence.

Exactly my point. That the use and origin of the word“disco” or Discotheque was around longer than what people associate as Disco, which is typically the whole Saturday Night Fever era.

I applaud Disney and YouTube. People do NOT learn their lesson unless there are some real consequences. Affecting his income and his ability to monetize on his videos will hopefully make him think twice about his “humor” that most certainly helps push anti-semitic and racist views.

The word disco is not necessarily connected to what we imagine disco to be. SATURDAY NIGHT FEVER. But it’s meant to mean like a dance club in general.

I don’t understand what people like about this guy. Even this stunt is just lame and unfunny.

Coh is the best RTS and one of the best games ever period. Everything about this game was fantastic. Single and multiplayer still hold up today. It is unfortunate CoH2 never felt as good or like a true sequel. Always felt like a eastern front add on.

The one S was a stop gap for 4k until Scorpio comes out. It was launched to compete with the Pro since Scorpio was at least a year away.

How is it rushed out to compete with Microsoft? PS4 Pro launched 3 months ago and there is no solid release window for the Scorpio. Best rumors state 2017, but with no real details on the console, I would bet Q4 at earliest.

lol thanks. But clearly your reading comprehension skills are about equal to a dog. I said you had an answer, but you buried in some bullshit response to try and obfuscate the fact that you are speaking to matters which you do not understand. You post some political fuel junk comment onto something that had nothing

For AAA titles from 3rd parties it is dead out of the gate. The hardware alone can’t support the same games as the X1/Ps4 and IF it could, it would be a very gimped version. See anything on the Wii and the handful of Wii U 3rd party titles.

Says the guy with no experience right? How would you know a damn thing about what goes on during training? Watch full metal jacket too many times?

Partly. Your original post wasn’t hard to understand and is the same political snarkyness everyone is spewing. His comment had nothing to do with politics.

It does only because you danced around their direct question with a long winded response that subtlety implied you had none.

....so you don’t have any military experience? You didn’t answer his question.