
Nah. N64 had amazeballs graphics for the time.

Surprised Gawker hasn’t tried to blame Thiel for this yet

Of course that isn’t a Kotaku headline....but it seems pretty spot on for Jezebel.

Really? No one cares enough to learn her syntax or her style, which honestly is interchangeable with 1000 other bloggers.

Lmao this is actually really funny

There is just so much wrong with what you said. What a delusional biased and uniformed stand point that you have

Statutory raped by a 16 year old....her peer. Maybe HE was raped by her.

Rape...really? He is about her age and it appeared consensual. If anything I bet she came on to him in an overly sexual manner due to her experiences in the past.

So she isn’t old enough to consent...but all the boys were?

Why even bother reporting burner accounts?

I got it on PS4. Took a few months off, booted it up this weekend and it ran like shit. Slow ass molasses sticky shit. I think whatever patches they released since like January made the game almost unplayable now.

Went back to finish Just Cause 3 this weekend after a few month hiatus...and by golly the FPS is atrocious. Like barely playable and slow. I think whatever patches they applied since I last played made it significantly worse.

Check out company of heroes. They have been doing this in their games since 2007..

Company of Heroes is kind of like that. Certain projectiles can’t penetrate certain materials. Things like anti tank rockets and tank shells do damage based on where they strike, sometimes completely bouncing off the armor.

It’s not used to “weed” out people. It’s used as an alternative and sometimss cheaper form of training. It can also do training scenarios not realistic or possible on certain bases or areas.

This is he biggest ball of bullshit. How in the fuck does she intend to prove discrimination against her being trans? Just because you were fired doesn’t mean it’s because of anything else other than your job performance or attitude/cultural fit. Aka bitching all the time and presenting attitude to supervisors and

Your logic sucks but I do agree that Tie Fighter is the best star wars games period.

Not really. Things like gas and food were cheaper etc but when your talking games and game consoles, the prices are kind of stagnant and overall cheaper now. Computers and tech in general were SIGNIFICANTLY higher then.

I was going to pick this game up until I saw there was no local multiplayer. That was the real appeal to me. The game may be cool but I don’t have much interest in playing a brawler like this solo, especially TMNT.

As much as I enjoy lookingat some cos play, the fact is the only reason people like Jessica Nigri and are as “famous” as they are is because she is an extremely attractive woman who shows alot of skin. That’s it.