
I was really enjoying your article until it felt like you completely derailed and went on a political rant. Not EVERY issue has to mention Trump. If anything, you are just adding to his campaign by mentioning him. Talking shit on this website about Trump is just preaching to the choir. You are not changing anyone’s

Hip pouch? You mean like a fanny pack, hip pack? I find that way more interesting and anachronistic than the walkman.

Expensive how? Players have been under 50 bucks for years and blu ray movies range 5 to 25 depending on the title.

No, you can’t do anything of the sort in uniform. Period. No political crap, so actvisim in uniform. You are a soldier representing your country as a professional in a non partisan way. Period.

The fact is you probably aren’t a soldier and can’t understand why there isn’t a differenceand how this is unacceptable. BLM is a radical organization but that doesn’t even matter.

So Gawker thinks it’s wrong when white people do something dumb and racist in uniform, but it’s OK if they are black and women? Then you go as far as to try and call out and make fun of the guy for having a problem with it? Why exactly? Who cares if it would or wouldn’t come to light without Burke. These women are

But isn’t just thefact you have to point out your a vegan AND to go further also to point out you aren’t an asshole vegan....that’s kind of like being THAT asshole vegan.

I can understand not liking the taste and texture of meat. I believe,other than a medical concern is the only acceptable reason not to eat meat. I hate seafood and eggs for the same reason.

The original allure of CoD was that it took a more “realistic” approach to the WW2 FPS and added a cinematic layer to it that topped every other game at the time. CoD was THE more badass, hardcore, realistic version of Medal of Honor. CoD did this well with every major release (minus 3) until Modern Warfare 2. At that

Yea but this is for AFTER you beat the game and story......

The A10 is perfect. Just update the avionics and cockpit and a few other modernization updates and re produce a new line of A10s as the A10-2 and call it a day.

Which accounts for about 50% of the A10s capabilities and requirements of a replacement.

So a 25 year old and a 75 year old isn’t weird AT ALL regardless of gender?

Gold digger? Or is this OK and “real” love because it isn’t a young woman marrying an old man.

No Twitter isn’t real life. No one NEED Twitter. If you don’t like what people say and can’t handle it, then don’t use it.

Tanks can take rpgs. It just depends on what kind, how many, and where. No armor is impenetrable.

How would this work with dismounted troops? I would think that a shotgun blast and the blast/shrapnel right in a direction of an rpg could cause some friendly fire.

I feel like the use of “hot” in your title objectifies men as sex objects and creates a negative body image on young men.

Yea but at least chex mix has 60% less fat than potato chips. So that’s a win.

OMG. What do we do when the slighted black woman who didn’t win a popularity contestnow hates gays?