

Been thinking the same though it feels kinda’ fucked up.

Teller seems like a doucher.

Is that REALLY crazy in the full context of life in America right now?

Your older sister’s priorities sound solid.

Good move. Men in their late 20s-early 30s are steel-gut disciplined and should in no way be distracted by the City of Kardashians.

He’ll be fine(d 15k).

Thought the same.

Sidenote: FFBE is the most fun FF I’ve played since IX and X, and is the first and only phone app to keep me drawn in for more than a month or 2.

He took a shot but is now just yanking your chain.

Is the bar not high enough or is he not high enough at the bar?

Mostly agreed except Chip’s big selling points in Philly (pre-collapse) were that he was called a pioneer in terms of player health management, and that he could mold almost any offense personnel into a high-clip machine despite lacking significant talent.

I’ve seen movies; it could’ve all been staged!

I like and respect you more for claiming ugliness.

The double-murder occurred earlier, perhaps?

Just saw Hell and High Water; GREAT fuckin’ flick!

Bad comment.

At the time of the injury it was a more accurate assessment, with the possible point being he maybe could’ve been sat.

