
An NBA player would’ve sprained his foot.

This response makes me smirk approvingly.

Too Siouxn.

Same with getting back into Witcher 3. Though I moreso just trying to get back into vid-gamin’ ‘cuz yeah PA is also frigid as hell. ‘Bout that time of year to focus on fictional yet more pleasant realities than our own. Yep.

Why would they be singled out? Nukes are for everyone!

Dude’s really not that interesting nor funny. THIS OPINION DOUBLES AS A FACT.

Eh, fine.

Once again great job morons who voted for regression via appointing those totally clueless as to what an average American life is.

THAT, is fucking interesting.

Only good soccer clip in.. Ever.

Like most Kevins you totally suck.

Be warned: the video may contain elements you personally do not enjoy. HUGE APOLOGY


Yeah alright.

Blue, ya psychos.

Way to wear an idiot sign.

Ok but the Raiders lead the league in penalties almost every single year with entire rosters and staffs changing over that time. So boo fucking hoo Texans.


Tomato, tombrady.

The 2014 Astros hack?