
Seeing a black woman hate on Bruno Mars while using a Japanese handle that means “I love you” should be a textbook example of the word irony.

A show of hands for people who would love a regular F-35 flyby and would put up with the noise for the occasional impromptu airshow?

I would guess nothing happened to Shaun White because he didn’t do anything.

This email exchange has left you feeling mighty important from the looks of it.

Well, yes, you can, because her points are at odds with reality. Like her point that the cokehead was allowed to resign, rather than be fired, because he was white? That’s really stupid. Any HR department would prefer an addict, black or white, resign, because it reduces the chance of a later lawsuit related to the

I have the utmost respect for people who can do what your wife does for a living. I cannot imagine having her job even though it is a critical role.

*ball jokes

That top jersey reminds me of when the NBA did the nickname thing in the 90s.

Exactly. Not everything is evidence of sexism. Why roll out a ton of custom jerseys when the market isn’t there? But what do the people at MLB know?

That’s clearly what Deadspin would like you to believe. Don’t blame the LAPD or local government. They couldn’t help themselves. No, no, it was all the evil IOC’s fault.

I had that exact thought as well. “IT BELONGS IN A MUSEUM!”

Lena Dunham isn’t going to see all of your posts. You can let it go.

I think out of towners will be a huge draw for the football team.

I mean, in the time you typed this comment, you could’ve actually looked up the context of the quote and seen that he’s joking. Lazy is as lazy does I guess.

I dont really see anything bad about what Kinsler said. I guess if you try to you can see it as controversial? I think people are going a little overboard with all this “its ok to play the game with flair etc” shit. I get it, no one wants to be branded as old white racist baseball guy but lets relax a little bit.

He got a concussion, and the fight ended. He won’t fight again for at least a few months.

Isn’t “pissing all over The Concourse” what Hamilton Nolan does every week?

You don’t remember that line from Road House? I....don’t really believe you’ve ever seen the movie.

Those 8 months when Kate Upton was relevant seems like 10 years ago.