
Ding! Ding! Ding! I just can’t understand the hubris. Years of criticizing poor contracts and smugly deriding anyone who didn’t kneel at the alter of analytics has taken us to this point. Now that we are here, the conversation switches to labor and ownership collusion. It’s just mind boggling.

Thank you for saying this. It seems like I’m taking crazy pills. I’ve read all these hot-take, think pieces, about how players are getting screwed and owners are colluding. I don’tunderstand this. As someone who has watched his favorite team (LAA) commit to BS overvalued long term deals, and seen the cavalcade of

Awesome. Just fantastic.

So what do you want to happen? Suffer forever in some perpetual Think Piece Purgatory? The collective “you” haven’t exacted your pound of flesh from him and it bothers you. You want him to suffer more than the agreed monetary sum. You guys should thank him, he’s given you some sweet recycled #metoo material from the

I didn’t realize the entire customer base for fast food companies was the employees of said fast food companies.

Who is shocked? No one in California is shocked at wild fires. Or is this just an attempt at a hot take (pardon the pun).

Even the dudes working on nuclear missiles in Kauai look super chill. God I love that place.

Yeah. FWIW Beyonce doesnt control her name/brand/image at all.....

Some people are hardwired for it. I on the other hand am a sniveling mess whenever I am around events or the hospital.



Honest question.

Are we to believe that the LAPD had an exemplary track record with the marginalized public, the Olympics come to town, and all of a sudden they decide to drive tanks up people’s butts? The antagonist in this situation is not the Olympics, its the goddamn LAPD, who used an extraordinary event as a means to drive the

Come on. The issue is the misapplied funding and militarization of police. The abuse of force by law enforcement, particularly in LA, has been around since the first badges were forged.

I know the prevailing attitude towards the Olympics here at Deadspin is that they can go fuck themselves. But at least be honest.

Uhhh. They both profit off of racist shit-talking. Have you not paid attention to anything that has come out of Floyd’s mouth over the last 10+ years?

Floyd literally BEATS women. Conor says dumb shit in order to sell fights. Case fucking closed.

Top promoted stars? Pretty sure Jon Jones was given every goddamn opportunity to be the biggest star in the sport. Also pretty sure he isnt white.

I know youre from Maryland by way of Minnesota, but what the fuck man? You left pinto beans off the goddamn list?????

Wowza, walking around with the mentality that YOU are a victim of a “millennia of oppression” is a sure fire way to be unsuccessful and insufferable.