Poop Culture

Click your heels together three times and say, “There’s no place like Kinja. There’s no place like Kinja. There’s no place like Kinja.”

Question: I used to have “www.avclub.com/recent” bookmarked as my portal into the AV Club. It was one page that simply listed every single article/newswire/review/GJI/feature, etc. posted on the AV Club in their published order, newest to oldest. Is there such a page here? Because the front page is mainly showing

Comment #666. Seems appropriate for my first one here.

Ernie is taking the midnight train to Georgia.

Cookie Puss or GTFO.

Cookie Puss or GTFO.

Sugar was better.

Sugar was better.

Should have used a hashtag so you could get a last minute Whovian downvote as well.

Maybe start a Kickstarter or GoFundMe to buy a DVD copy? Sounds like something most of the friends of my Facebook friends would do.

Leave a ladder by your bedroom window and he might just stop by sometime.

But can she watch your TV?

We're Earthlings! Let's blow up Earth things!

Cams for free? Sign me up! Here's my credit card information!

The same ones who have kept Judge Judy on the air for years.

Her? What, is she funny or something?

I was looking forward to those special Star Wars-branded Honey Nut Cheerios with his picture on the box.

That's why right before I masturbate, I like to tell myself, "Let's do it like they do on the Discovery Channel!"

Trapped in a water closet.

Good cover. I like Fastball. I own three or four albums of theirs and am always pleasantly surprised when some deeper cut of theirs shows up when I'm playing all my albums on shuffle.