Does that mean the grays are in the Medium Place?
Does that mean the grays are in the Medium Place?
30 Rock is amazing. Schaal on 30 Rock not so much.
Someone didn’t watch Schaal’s stint on 30 Rock.
I’m glad I was here to witness the moment Werdup truly became the Predator.
Kinja is all three levels of horror at one time.
Kinja what???
Ok, smarty, why don’t you just go to a party with your best friend Harry who has a brother Larry?
Yep, I specifically searched for “bear hands” before I made my own joke. And I missed all four similar replies. Kinja is the worst.
I would totally start watching Star Trek if Spock had actual bear hands.
Oh yeah, and I bought some component cables for my PS2 and been playing a little Tony Hawk Pro Skater 4. Hadn’t played this game in at least eight or nine years and was really surprised how quickly my muscle memory came back. And the PS2 looks surprisingly good thru these cables in 480i on a modern HDTV. Huge upgrade…
Glad to see this comment section still going strong. Though I was mostly a lurker, it was my favorite community on AVCDisqus.
I decided to stop drinking (again) 16 days ago. Haven’t been doing anything super stupid because of my drinking or even really drinking a crazy amount lately. Most of my drinking lately has been…
Why would anyone go to the trouble of creating a gimmick account for this horrid mess of a commenting system?
I don’t want to overstate the case, but this grey/ungrey caste system is the worst idea in the history of ideas.
I first read this as, “Yay, I’m not gay.”
The episode where Jack stored the bodies in Mr. Furley’s couch was the worst Three’s Company ever.
I believe the proper word for that third Jon Snow look is “befuddlement.”
Smoked Kurt Russell should be the next recipe featured on the AV Club Supper Club.
Grey lives matter!
Click your heels together three times and say, “There’s no place like Kinja. There’s no place like Kinja. There’s no place like Kinja.”
Question: I used to have “” bookmarked as my portal into the AV Club. It was one page that simply listed every single article/newswire/review/GJI/feature, etc. posted on the AV Club in their published order, newest to oldest. Is there such a page here? Because the front page is mainly showing…