Now I've got that stupid Mmm-mmm-mmm Crash Test Dummies song stuck in my head.
Now I've got that stupid Mmm-mmm-mmm Crash Test Dummies song stuck in my head.
Look at Nerdy McNerdface here actually watching and commenting on the silly mail videos.
Yeah, it's going to suck in a couple of years when I have to wade through them at every Goodwill and other thrift store I shop at.
Good enough. Wasn't aware.
How dare you sully the good name of poop.
I buy my sex dust in packets from the digital underground.
Thanks for the warning.
All the upvotes for you!
You just brought smellslikejesus to his sha-na-na-na-na-na-knees.
I'm with Zachary—why?
The Gas Leak Presidency
I plan to prove that theory wrong if I'm ever in the same room with Donald Trump when he's having a cardiac event.
We usually have to wait til after lunch for premium O'Neal Snark. He must be drinking early.
Killjoy on Killjoy violence is an epidemic.
It's pronounced with an "ooptid."
Yeah, Dickhead Killjoy Sr. thinks he's a complete disappointment.
I don't know why he expected anything different out of someone named Dickhead Killjoy Jr.
*Tarantino's prick up*
Stop. Pooping.
Yes, I'm much like a shart in my unpredictability.