Poop Culture

No, PoopCulture.

You can do anything you want. America! Fuck yeah!

Don't give the makers of the "Saw" movie franchise any ideas.

And don't even ask about the Arby's Horsey Sauce recipe.

I once saw Elmo get busy in a Burger King bathroom in Hollywood.

Upvoted for faeces.

That's why I love that Popeye's Fried Chicken goodness of Staind!

Joined Guns 'N Roses for a short while?


We knew we didn't need it but we got it anyways.

I don't know about that.

Donald, have you ever seen a grown man naked?

I met that band with my parents.

Well, he has hands as small as a Rag Doll's.

Nah, security just told the guy to keep the joint closer to his heart.

Short people got no reason to live.

Thanks to Shkreli, I can no longer afford the medication to get rid of my Crabbe.

Yeah, that Kinja Gold Box Deal of Pootie sold out fast!


Johnny Depp's Got a Gun.