Qui-Gonn Jinn Martinis.
Qui-Gonn Jinn Martinis.
Admiral Ackbarbecue.
Only 999,995 to go.
Gosh, what a guy that Gaston!
Hey, you're Kareem Abdul-Jabbar! I think you're the greatest, but my dad says you don't work hard enough on defense. And he says that lots of times, you don't even run down court. And that you don't really try… except during the playoffs.
Trump in Aerosmith? Dream on.
Or for hijacking a pudding pop shipment.
That's how Charlotte got pregnant in the first place.
Did you buy your caddle prod in the bargain bin at Cattle Prods 'R Us?
Wii store is still open.
Terry the Toad directed the pilot episode of Buffy the Vampire Slayer.
So what movie is the Rolling Stones in this analogy?
Your friend sounds better than my friend.
It took Deerhoof so long to find out.
Quit stealing my shtick. My shit shtick.
General Bullshit used to be Major Asshole.
That went over the Borderline.
Gosh, that Theodore Bundy certainly is a fine young cannibal, Ward!
My friend has never seen the Howard the Duck movie. Are they duck boobs or do they perhaps belong to the mom from Back to the Future? Just asking for my friend, of course.