Poop Culture

Pooping For Columbine?

Start over.

And one of the worst Philip K. Dick novels.

I used my sous vide to cook my Hormel Black Label Bacon!

It's definitely not a perfect game. Most especially, I would have liked some "real" dungeons besides the Castle. But the mechanics are amazing. I would love to see another more traditional Zelda game built with this same basic engine/style. I'll definitely be replaying it in 3/4 months though.

Breath of the Wild — I finally decided to enter Hyrule Castle and fight Ganon a few days ago after having all the Divine Beasts done for a couple of weeks. The fight was surprisingly easy—I WAY overstocked for it and am regretting some of the jewels, etc., I sold now as I'd like to do some more armor upgrades without

Creationism bores the daylights out of me.

Jesusdo what Mohammadon't.

Or his similar-looking brother.

Or exist like Lenny Dykstra.

Or leave a religious tract instead of a tip after Sunday morning brunch like Gary Carter.

Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. has turned into a pretty damn solid show after that stinky first season.

They're finally making White Chicks 2?

This is why RIchard Simmons never comes out of the house anymore.

That's (Michael) gross.

Drew Barrymore is a goner.

What would we do, baby, without butt stuff? Sha la la la!

Burger Fuhrer always cooks on gas grills!

Thanks for pointing out that season 2 of Flaked is about to come out. Hadn't heard that anywhere else. I didn't love the first season—as a member of a recovery program myself, the ending really pissed me off—but I did like certain parts of it a lot, especially the good job they did of bringing the location to life.

Then you should take more meth so you can forget it more often.