Poop Culture

You also use more capital letters in one sentence than most Americans will use in their lives.

Whovian would just as soon kiss a wookiee.

You have nothing to worry about it. Me on the other hand…

Ugh, yew stink! What yew been eatin'?

Harley Race and Jerry Lawler for King 2020!

At least you didn't kill Powers Boothe like that one commenter did in one of those countless power bottom articles.

It's insane, this guy's taint!

Juicero ain't nobody's darlings.

Say hi to RGR LS for us!

Cool. Never noticed those before. Thanks!


That's certainly one way to look at Pollard's career.

Yes, not being as good as Bob Dylan makes a career musician a loser.

Just gotta buy 97 more cars and rent out a parking garage for the night.

No, it's your loss. Guided By Voices are a rock and roll treasure.

25 or 6 to 4?

Upvoted for username synergy.

A man who will fight for your honor, my ass.

And my childhood pet alligator.

But yet he had nothing but good things to say about Peter Cetera's solo work.