Poop Culture

I hate when I see an interesting headline here (or on other websites) and then click on the link only to find out it's a video instead of text. Can't back out fast enough.

Margaret Cho's grandmother hired them for her second cousin's first bat mitzvah.

You forgot 5) At least one Classic Cece and Winston mess around.

Depends on what you, what you want from a joke.

I would if I could get the chorus of "Jungle Love" out of my head. Damn you, Morris Day!

I was thinking it was more like the chorus of "Jungle Love" but I like your interpretation as well.

All right, stop what you're doing, because Senator Humpty is about to filibuster.

I've heard the Capitol Hill Burger King is a wonderful restaurant!

Yeah but next time watch it with the TV not on mute.

Kent Hrbek would have been a better choice.

Not enough power bottom.

But the same label just signed OE OO.

No, a car crash is how Ringo Starr's girlfriend lost her hair.

His name is Sigh. #neverforget

The AV Club

Clayton's pyloric valve is acting up today.

Do you leave the onion in the teacher's lounge or actually wear it in the classroom?

What does this have to do with Donald Trump's power bottom being cancelled by the CW?

Plate or platter?

"That roof is a little pitchy, dawg."