Poop Culture

As the Reverend MC Hammer says, you've got to prey just to make it today.

Not really. You just eventually realize that there are always more/sometimes better weapons out there waiting for you so you stop trying to preserve the ones you have and just use them like they're intended.

I was one of those people who got motion sickness from watching Blair Witch in a theater. Finished the movie but threw up in my front yard as soon as I got home.

That comment is a little pitchy, dawg.

Or you could just use your connection to an omnipotent being and give us all the inside scoop in advance.

The woman playing Tudyk's secretary was good. I don't know who she is but I hope she finds another, better show.

This show is not brought to you by Kinja Deals.

Now that's a switch I wasn't excepting, Nintendo!

Genesis do. Nintendon't.

Bringing back long-cancelled TV shows seems like living in arrested development.

MC Skat Kat is my favorite Paula Abdul duet partner.

Only if you have the will and God has the grace.

Bad chef!

Quit stereotyping me.

I haven't watched Wheel of Fortune in years. Do vowels still cost $250?

Zodiac Motherfucker? Where have you been?

Was it good enough?

The saddest!

Of course you can. Poop is always welcome.

Upvoted for sympathy exhibited for Poop.