Poop Culture

Martha Stewart is headlining!

It's that Netflix Narcos allure. Next year's Fyre Festival is going to be held at that swimming pool that Barb disappeared from.

You know what they say about assuming? It makes an ass out of you while me laughs.

They're out ta get me. They won't catch me. I'm fucking innocent!

What's with these homies dissing the Beatles? Why do they gotta front?

The Continuing Saga of Towheaded Bill

No, Suzanne Somers is the sheriff.

Sacked for dipping into Rabin's jelly bean medicine stash.

The Beatles was the Beatles' ninth studio album.

Downvoted. Nothing wrong with poop or pooping.

I'm just as your father made me.

Shitting never goes out of style.

Upvoted for poop.

Worst Stevie Wonder duet ever.

Samuel L. Jackson is unbreakable.


Well, none of the disciples were sure as fuck going to pick up that last supper tab.

And only.

Hmm, I only ever heard steamy sax music when getting busy in a Burger King bathroom.

I blame Morgan Spurlock.