Poop Culture

It's a shame.

My parents were poor. All we could afford were the Megablokomorphs.

The bag was clearly marked "Dead rabbit. Do not eat." I don't know what I was expecting…

The AV Club presents the Trix Cereal Serial Podcast.

Admiral Stockdale is doing just fine, eating fried chicken from Buckethead.

I miss the R. Budd Dwyer Show. It only lasted one episode but it was killer.

Fly the winds of change with United!

Donnie's Gonna Die and I Can't Hardly Wait.


You might think that's crazy.

Ken Tremendous is disappointed they didn't fire Joe Morgan.

Upvoted for poop.

That's why Jimmy Stewart and his best friend Harvey only fly Southwest.

Children by the millions wait for Fez to come around.

I never travel far without a little That 70s Show.

I heard their bathrooms are rather busy.

In 14 years or just one day.

I ask you what kind of commie bastard knows so much about commie geography, Senator McCarthy?

Who's that girl? It's the Nerdy Vet!

Well, your age is moving on up.