Poop Culture

We already saw Saul painting a wall.

How's Weezie doing these days, xy? Is your maid still sassy? Does your doorman still sound surprisingly like Garfield the cat?

That's an Extreme answer!

I'm not 100% sure that'll happen.

But is it a Gold-Plated Toilet?

Worst "The Leftovers" spec script ever.

His VH1 reality show confirmed his assholishness for me ten years ago.

"This jacket is perfect for wearing during unexpected excursions to the woods of New Jersey with your husband's co-workers!"

You haven't watched every episode of Arrested Development 37 times? Kawaii as Fuck is hereby banned from the AV Club.

Schmoker is no Leonard Pierce.

Doug Hopkins for Supreme Court Justice!

Because the Internet refuses to take credit for this great job?

Yeah, you might even say they jumped the shark.

Of all the mean, funny things I've read about Trump over the last six months or so, this might be the meanest, funniest yet.

Don't give up on this idea. Be tenacious!

Bret Saberhagen approves.

Going to start a new playthrough of Breath of the Wild in a little bit. I didn't get close to finishing in my previous play (40-ish shrines, only one Divine Beast dungeon completed) but I just want to start over now that I've got a really firm grasp on the gameplay mechanics and on how I want to approach all of Hyrule.

Bill O'Reilly is the one thing that can make improv shows even more unbearable.

It doesn't even make any sense. Everyone knows lightning STRIKES and thunder CRASHES!!!

O.J. Simpson's gloves!